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Studies and Research

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IHS, AHNA 2018 Conference JSJ_poster 04 05 2018 REVISED2.pdf

Markey Cancer Center Kentucky Research Poster (<1 MB)

Not Just a Theory - ABSTRACT - Donna Lamke (<1 MB)

Not Just a Theory - FULL ARTICLE - Donna Lamke (<1 MB)

JSJ & Breast Cancer Study in the Journal for Holistic Nursing by Karen Searls

The Effect of Integrative Medicine Therapies in the Acute Care Setting

Poster for Jin Shin Jyutsu Pain research at the Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine in San Diego

Jin Shin Jyutsu Pain Abstract by Susie Plettner & Paul Mills

Final Annotated Bibliography by Susie Plettner

Medical Research Packet 1:

  1. Mary Burmeister Profile - Melissa Higgins (<1 MB)
  2. Alternative Therapies - Multiple Myeloma - Ann Shannon (<1 MB)
  3. Self-Help Class at Morristown Memorial Hospital - Joan Millspaugh (<1 MB)
  4. Dr. Weil's Energy Medicine A New Frontier (1.5 MB)
  5. Massage&Bodywork - Heart Transplants - Pennie Sempell (11 MB)
  6. Holistic Living - Self-Help - Betsie Haar (<1 MB)
  7. Mouth Sores - Mucositis - Ann Shannon (<1 MB)
  8. Markey Cancer Center Packet - various articles on Jennifer Bradley's research (<1 MB)
    1. Ancient Form of Massage Offers New Hope for Healing - Mary Meehan
    2. Study Suggests Touch Therapy Helps Reduce Pain, Nausea in Cancer Patients - Allison Perry
    3. Jin Shin Jyutsu Energy Therapy - A Promising Adjunct Therapy in Reducing Pain, Stress, and Nausea in General Cancer Population
  9. A Research Study: JSJ & Perceived Stress - Donna Lamke (<1 MB)
  10. Nurse Study - Perceived Stress - Donna Lamke (<1 MB) (Abstract-4 pages)
    Nurse Study - Perceived Stress - Donna Lamke (<6 MB) (Complete-178 pages)
  11. Pilot Study - Morristown (<1 MB)

Medical Research Packet 2:

Atlantic Integrative Medicine Inpatient Program-Morristown (9 MB)

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